Common Symptoms Of

Knee Pain

As Drogheda’s leading sports injury expert, Mick Fanning frequently treats knee pain and has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of knee pain sufferers return to their favourite activities and maintain active lifestyles. A common cause of knee pain is overexertion or aggressive activity after a period of inactivity. Whether someone returns to running, walking, or a sport they haven’t played in a while, pushing too hard too soon can lead to pain that worsens over time. This pain can affect daily mobility, making tasks like climbing stairs or getting in and out of cars difficult, disrupting daily routines.

The Impact of Knee Pain on daily life

Knee pain doesn’t just impact physical health—it can affect multiple areas of life. In the workplace, knee pain can hinder productivity, especially in jobs that require standing or physical labour. Individuals may need to take more frequent breaks or modify work duties to accommodate their pain, which can affect career advancement and job satisfaction. Socially, knee pain can limit your ability to participate in activities with friends and family or enjoy hobbies like sports, dancing, or walking. The fear of further injury can lead to avoiding physical activities, straining relationships, and affecting mental well-being. Mick understands that knee pain affects both physical and emotional health, a crucial factor he considers during consultations.

Mick's Approach to treating Knee Pain

Many people suffering from knee pain turn to doctors who prescribe pain medication and recommend rest for weeks. However, rest alone is not enough to facilitate recovery or a return to normal activities. Mick takes a proactive approach, emphasizing a combination of treatment and education. He provides detailed explanations of how and why the injury occurred, along with personalized advice on recovery. Mick takes the time to understand each patient’s goals, whether it’s running a marathon, walking the dog, gardening, or hiking, and tailors treatment accordingly.

Proactive Steps to help with Knee Pain relief

For those recently developing knee pain, there are proactive steps to reduce inflammation and improve knee function. In the acute phase (first 48-72 hours), Mick recommends applying ice to the affected knee for 15-20 minutes every 2-4 hours to reduce swelling. After the initial inflammation subsides, heat packs can be used to improve blood flow and promote muscle relaxation around the knee. Gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness are also beneficial. Focus on stretches for the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and performing range-of-motion exercises for the knee itself.

A key component of recovery is developing a personalized strength program. Online exercises may be tempting but may not be suitable for individual needs. Mick uses advanced systems like the VALD ForceDecks to assess balance, strength, and functional abilities essential for activities like running or sports. This data helps create targeted strength programs to improve deficits and ensure readiness for activity.

Knee Pain Success Story

Mick’s approach has led to numerous success stories, one of the most memorable being a high-level runner suffering from chronic patella tendon pain. After seeing five other physios, three doctors, two chiropractors, and undergoing multiple MRIs and investigations, she had no solution to avoid surgery. Despite the challenges, she traveled two hours to Physio Performance in Drogheda after hearing about Mick’s success with similar cases.

During the consultation, Mick listened to her frustrations and fears. She was on the verge of giving up running, despite having completed six marathons and being in the prime of her life. Mick assessed her injury and discovered the root cause of her pain in her ankle, calf, and knee complex. Within five sessions, she was running virtually pain-free. Her sleep improved, her mood lifted, and she began to enjoy life again. Six months later, she ran a personal best marathon.

This is why Mick loves being a physiotherapist—helping people return to the activities they love, especially when they’ve been told surgery is the only option. This dedication and expertise have made Mick Drogheda’s leading sports injury expert.

how can you find out more about working with Sports Injury expert, Mick Fanning?

If you want to finally put an end to your knee pain, I appreciate that you may be nervous or unsure about starting something you’ve not tried before.

To help you find out more, you can download a copy of my Free Sports Injury Report.

If you want more personalized advice, you can arrange a Free Telephone Consultation where you can speak to me and my team, and share your struggles with knee pain.

You can also get our expert opinion on why your knee pain won’t go away, as well as discover the best treatment options available to you.

Or if you prefer to come into our clinic and meet us in person, you can arrange a Free Discovery Visit where you can get even more personalized advice on how to recover from knee injuries fast and without pills, injections or surgery.

Pick whichever option feels right to you.

The most important thing is that you do something – because if you keep waiting, keep hoping it’ll fix itself, it’s likely to get worse.

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